Stars gedenken David Bowie in langen Statements

Prominente wie Lorde, Yoko Ono, Thurston Moore und Conan O'Brien veröffentlichten rührende Worte zum Tod von David Bowie. Hier eine unvollständige Liste der Stimmen.

Die Musikikone David Bowie verstarb am vergangenen Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016 im Alter von 69 Jahren überraschend an Krebs – zwei Tage nach seinem Geburtstag und der Veröffentlichung seines letztes Albums BLACKSTAR.

Viele befreundete Musikerkollegen zollten David Bowie bereits Tribut über die sozialen Medien. Auch prominente Weggefährten und Verehrer wie Yoko Ono, Debbie Harry, Thurston Moore, Arcade Fire und Lorde veröffentlichten ausführliche Statements zum Tod Bowies. Lest Ausschnitte ihrer Worte hier.


Nile Rodgers: „David Bowie was the Picasso of Rock ’n‘ Roll!“

Die Musikwelt verneigt sich vor David Bowie
Nile Rodgers von Chic hat Bowies Album LET’S DANCE von 1983 und auch BLACK TIE WHITE NOISE von 1993 co-produziert. In einem Artikel für „The Guardian“ schreibt er: „I remember the first time I ever heard David Bowie’s music because I was naked! Big time! It was in the most romantic, amazing, hippy situation you can think of – I was playing in a club in Miami Beach and they used to have a nude beach there, so this girl who was the night club’s photographer said: ‚Let’s spend the night on the beach naked and listen to David Bowie!‘ I had no idea who he was but we listened to ZIGGY STARDUST and it was just incredible. When I got to meet him that was incredible too, although we were fully clothed that time! I walked into a nightclub and he was sat there alone drinking orange juice. I walked up and said: ‚Hey, you live in the same building as Luther Vandross and all my buddies,‘ and we started talking, firstly about ‚Young Americans‘ and that soon segued into a chat about our mutual love for jazz. I knew this guy was not kidding around – not faking it at all“, so Rodgers.

Arcade Fire: „We will shout prayers into the atmosphere he created!“

Arcade Fire spielten mit Bowie im September 2005 live bei einem New Yorker „Fashion Rocks“-Event und arbeiteten auf ihrem Album REFLEKTOR von 2013 mit dem kürzlich verstorbenen Künstler. Bowies Gesang ist auf dem Titeltrack der Platte zu hören.

In einem Statement schreibt die Band nun: „David Bowie was one of the band’s earliest supporters and champions. He not only created the world that made it possible for our band to exist, he welcomed us into it with grace and warmth. We will take to the grave the moments we shared; talking, playing music and collaborating as some of the most profound and memorable moments of our lives. A true artist even in his passing, the world is more bright and mysterious because of him, and we will continue to shout prayers into the atmosphere he created.“

Yoko Ono: „David Bowie was like family to John Lennon and I.“

Yoko Ono zollte David Bowie Tribut, indem sie sagte, sie war dem Künstler „as close as family“. Bowie arbeitete mit Onos Ehemann und Pilzkopf John Lennon 1975 für den Song „Fame“ zusammen.

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Der Mann, der zum Himmel stürzte
In einem Schreiben auf ihrer offiziellen Homepage erklärt Yoko Ono: „John and David respected each other. They were well matched in intellect and talent. As John and I had very few friends we felt David was as close as family.“ Sie fährt fort und schreibt, dass Bowie nach Lennons Tod so etwas wie eine „father figure“ für ihren Sohn Sean war. „When Sean was at boarding school in Switzerland, David would pick him up and take him on trips to museums and let Sean hang out at his recording studio in Geneva. For Sean this is losing another father figure. It will be hard for him, I know. But we have some sweet memories which will stay with us forever“, so Ono.

Sean Lennon postete bei Instagram Folgendes unter ein Bild von sich und Bowie: „Absolutely devastating news. I feel so lucky to have considered you a friend. R.I.P. Thank you for everything.“

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