Killing-Joke-Sänger Jaz Coleman ist verschwunden
Killing Joke wollten gemeinsam mit The Cult und The Mission auf Tournee gehen, Beginn 10. September. Jetzt ist Killing-Joke-Sänger Jaz Coleman spurlos verschwunden.

Killing-Joke-Sänger Jaz Coleman gilt als vermisst. Auf der Facebook-Seite der Band wird berichtet, dass Coleman „spurlos verschwunden“ sei, „ohne die Bandkollegen zu benachrichtigen“. Nun mache man sich „Sorgen um seine Gesundheit“.
Am 10. September hätte man eine gemeinsame Tournee mit The Cult und The Mission beginnen wollen, Start in London. Der „Quietus“ berichtet, dass dem Verschwinden Colemans ein Streit voraus gegangen sei, in dem es um die Tournee selbst ging.
Das Statement von Killing Joke im Wortlaut:
“A statement was posted on Facebook, reputedly by our singer, maligning both The Cult and The Mission and pulling us out of the shows.
“He is now AWOL and has not contacted any of his band mates.
“We are deeply embarrassed by this and offer our sincere apologies to all involved.
“We are all concerned about our missing singer’s welfare.
“Killing Joke made a collective decision to play with The Cult and The Mission in September.
“It was agreed by all of the band that we would do these shows. Indeed, we thought that they were something to look forward to, even though they were downsized.
“We would still like to honour our commitment to this tour, the other bands, and all the Gatherers and people who have already bought tickets and made travel arrangements.
“If this proves not possible, Killing Joke will make alternative arrangements to compensate for the trouble caused.
“Meanwhile we are doing everything we can to make this tour happen and locate our missing singer.